Here's the Story...
In 1979, while Christmas shopping, four college friends were swept up by the spirit of the season and bought matching Holiday Mugs. They tagged their mugs so they wouldn’t get them mixed up and vowed to carry them with wherever they went during the holidays- and vowed to hold each other to this promise.
They drank their coffee in them. they drank their sodas in them. They took them to Christmas parties and drank hot and cold “toddies” in them! It was decided that this was an idea that would be carried out each year and shared with other friends during the Holidays. And so, Holiday Mugs became a firm tradition.
When the group grew so large that they could no longer find matching mugs that they all loved, the artist of the group began to create one-of-a-kind mug designs for this growing group of friends. Since that time Sam Hamann has produced a unique design each Christmas and shares this tradition with old and new friends. The original Holiday Muggers number the hundreds worldwide and now Holiday revelers everywhere can join in this wonderful tradition.
You can become the Holiday Mugger among your group of friends and share this tradition with them this and every year.
Happy Holidays!
They drank their coffee in them. they drank their sodas in them. They took them to Christmas parties and drank hot and cold “toddies” in them! It was decided that this was an idea that would be carried out each year and shared with other friends during the Holidays. And so, Holiday Mugs became a firm tradition.
When the group grew so large that they could no longer find matching mugs that they all loved, the artist of the group began to create one-of-a-kind mug designs for this growing group of friends. Since that time Sam Hamann has produced a unique design each Christmas and shares this tradition with old and new friends. The original Holiday Muggers number the hundreds worldwide and now Holiday revelers everywhere can join in this wonderful tradition.
You can become the Holiday Mugger among your group of friends and share this tradition with them this and every year.
Happy Holidays!